18 April 2006

New and blue~

Music Box: Jesus of Suburbia~Green Day (10 minutes of punk music dude!)

Well as you've observed in the first word of my post, i've removed and replace "currently listening to" into "music box" and have some comments on the music after the music i'm listening to... anyweiz... there's a new stuff going around im planning to upload music streaming on this blog but I dont have faster internet connection.
Back to the plan, I will edit the template of my blog again and add navigation words to my gallery and widen it's size so that this blog will look nice on 800X600 resolution. This means I will have my bluetooth for my gallery uploads and my photos maybe next week or after few days I will recieve my bluetooth for my PC after i'm done upgrading and reformatting my pc now since it has a problem on RAM, Hard Drive, Disk and Video Card woot~ new VC and Hard Drive! I can install and play 3D games woot~! but I need to have faster connection for a smooth play some of my favorite online games. I'm stuck of playing PangYa! its a massively multiplayer casual fanstasy golf online game... I like casual online games or MMOG nowadays because most MMORPG need high pc specs to be able to play the game...
Back to the gallery plan... my wishlist of photo shoot has fulfiiled, I must slash it on, I wish i could scan em' I only bluetooth though *sigh~*
I dye a part of my hair a color of blue! wow it cool dude... hehe I wish i have pictures ... Till there~! Need to edit the template

~~~~~~Another thing I've added comment pop-up on the blog so if you have problem on the tagboard just drop a message on the comments link right after the time below...

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