03 January 2008


The college dilemma is already rising high, And I don't know what to choose from the following courses that are available in the country.

*6th Choice is AB Music Major in Music Remixer

They said that this is a waste of money and the students in these course
are nerds but welathy!. XD

* 5th Choice BS in Electronic and Communication Engineering

I conclude that this is my field of interest. It is because of my facination
to digital gadgets and logical skills in computer softwares.

* 4th choice AB in Media Studies

Yeah! Media is my field and etertaining people is the want job i wanted for
long time. Apparantly this course is rejected by my friends and parents.

* 3rd Choice BS in Physical Therapy

This is the best so far if I ambition to fly to the US after i
graduate. Since i don't like nursing this is an alternative choice. BUT!
medicine is not my field of occupation.

*1st and 2nd Choice International Studies or Tourism

My International Studies dilemma is torned between European Studies or
Japanese Language and Studies. I like to study geography, culture
and languages.

I hope that I could choose what is right for me.

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