Last Watch: Full Metal Alchemist The Movie ~ Conquerer of Shamballa
At Last! my very own special DVD box of FMA the movie arrived! I've been waiting for this for months now... I've been an avid fan of the Full Metal Alchemist Anime Series and now I've complete the story! Well It's interesting story about the sci-fi world of alchemy...
... It'S New Year And A New look On My BloG... It's been quite a WHiLe That I've Never PosT AnyThIng AboUT MySelf AnD HappEniNgs AboUt My Life I GuEss That I'm Very DeSpErAte of tHe HappEninGs In MyLiFe SiNce ThE New YeAr Is CoMiNg anD ANothEr YeaR HaS CoME To An EnD AnD THe GoAl ThaT I WRotE In My PeRsoNaL DiArY NeVeR ComE...
...But FeW Of My WiSHlisT in My bLOG was AchiEVe ThIS YEaR LEt Me ReVIeW...
My BracEs... BITCH... GYm MEmbErSHip AGaIn... PiERcEd EaR... MP3 PLaYEr... BluTOOth... & UpGRaDe My PC...
I Hope MOre To COme...
... I'm SleEpy At New YeAr's EvE... BEttER
"eMo OUT!"
... It'S New Year And A New look On My BloG... It's been quite a WHiLe That I've Never PosT AnyThIng AboUT MySelf AnD HappEniNgs AboUt My Life I GuEss That I'm Very DeSpErAte of tHe HappEninGs In MyLiFe SiNce ThE New YeAr Is CoMiNg anD ANothEr YeaR HaS CoME To An EnD AnD THe GoAl ThaT I WRotE In My PeRsoNaL DiArY NeVeR ComE...
...But FeW Of My WiSHlisT in My bLOG was AchiEVe ThIS YEaR LEt Me ReVIeW...
My BracEs... BITCH... GYm MEmbErSHip AGaIn... PiERcEd EaR... MP3 PLaYEr... BluTOOth... & UpGRaDe My PC...
I Hope MOre To COme...
... I'm SleEpy At New YeAr's EvE... BEttER
"eMo OUT!"